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'HAIMA:T Consulting

in wine. food. hospitality.

'HAIMA:T Consulting

Vision & Mission

With ‘HAIMA:T we want to develop projects and accompany Restaurants and Hotels with a real meaning by going through:

  • Sustainability

  • Experience

  • Well-being

Manifesting this in the team’s mind and leaving a lasting mark in the spirit of your guests.

Realizing this along great sourcing, big thoughts & good trainings.

Sustainability does not mean making concessions, it connotes “the right way of thinking”. Plus, it does not indicate less profits, but maximising & optimising our resources and attracting “the new kind of consumers”.

Product & People Sourcing

Sourcing is one of our passions. Searching for high-quality and sustainable products became for us a mission while working for different projects. We also call it “people” sourcing because good products are always connected to their manufacturers, producers and suppliers. If the characters behind the products tell their stories, explain us the way they work and what it means for them, it will make us understand that it’s not only about an object or a product.

  • Sourcing high-quality, sustainable & „story-telling” products

  • Accompanying the way to greater sustainability

  • Promoting firm favourite and local products which are sustainable

  • Introducing sustainable foreign products to the French market

  • Supporting producers working in harmony with the nature


Project development & Concept creation

We see our projects in a holistic way. It’s not done by just developing a plan of actions – important is to accompanying each step and developing an entire concept. Our aim is to tell a story that is expressed through the location. With combining all the small steps, we will create an Identity which will represent your project in the way it should be understood.

  • Concept creation: all-embracing concept in the area of hospitality and F&B experience

  • Business Plan & forecast

  • Recruitment of Staff and management

  • Calculating price, cost and margins

  • Trend reasearch and market analysis

  • Marketing and communication plan

  • Social Media content creation

  • Support and follow up after first steps

Project Development

Training in Hospitality & Wine Expertise

Our staff training is based on the idea to motivate people improving intrinsic and understanding the importance of a first-class guest experience. 
Creating and organizing wine tastings is one of our new projects and will present you a modern and unconventional way of understanding wine with a special focus on the senses.

  • Staff training in upsells & high-quality service

  • Staff training in guest focused experience

  • Staff training in wine, cocktails & products

  • Developing a sustainable wine & drinks program with alternative and classical products

  • Tools creation according to your needs

Wine Consulting

Accompanying & Consulting

Sometimes projects need a small relaunch, a touch-up that will open eyes on new opportunities. We will support you improving your carbon footprint management in case of using the right products and realising the advantages of it: enhancing your cost-effectiveness by generating less waste, using better products to attract a new kind of guests, and somehow, contributing at saving our planet.

  • Observing and analysing running processes

  • Defining the status quo and creating an action plan

  • Positive change management and working side by side

  • Accompanying the way to greater sustainability

  • Improving effectiveness and organisational issues

  • Training the staff in products, up-sells, rentability, sustainability and wine

  • Strategy for sales improvement

  • Trend research & competitor analysis

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